Turkey Carving
Each November the Sterling Rotarians pick up the Turkeys and Ham for the
Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Sterling College. Each Turkey, usually 24, is skillfully carved by the Rotarians, ready for the Community Dinner on Thanksgiving.
The 38th Annual Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner.
The free meal will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day in the Sterling College cafeteria inside the Student Union building, 125 W. Cooper Ave., Sterling.
Those in attendance will get to enjoy turkey, dressing, mashed and sweet potatoes, gravy, ham, green beans, relishes, French bread, desserts and drinks.
Guests may bring desserts and salads.
While the 500 to 700 dinners will be provided for free, cash donations will be accepted.
Canned goods, soaps, detergents and paper products will be collected for area food banks.
Individuals are encouraged to bring guests.
The dinner is provided by several organizations in Sterling, including the Boy and Girl Scouts, Rotary Club, Silver Threads, Presbyterian Manor, Sterling College cafeteria staff and area churches.